24 | 250 P.F. coupe and cabriolet fuse tags


SKU: KIL-24 Category:


This type was used on Pininfarina Coupes and Cabriolets built from 1958 until 1962, and on the same vintage Scaglietti cars such as the T.D.F.s, SWBs and California Spyders. They are made of aluminum with a black border around each element and the lettering in black. There is a very nice photo showing the electrical panel installation at the Pininfarina factory on page 28 of the wonderful book Inside Ferrari. The larger tag “Fari” is marked DIS 1329/F and the smaller tag “Spinterogeni” is marked DIS 1328/B. 250 P.F. and Scaglietti Fuse Cover Tags with aluminum rivets.

(Sold with one (1) large tag, one (1) small tag)



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